
Showing posts from July, 2018

Quick Maths

Rage. So much rage the functions unit caused. MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T BE CODING. PERHAPS PROGRAMMING IS TOO HARD FOR YOU. Stick to writing. I did come close to calling it quits. Instead, I asked around and my boyfriend spent over half an hour explaining the function. It was one little thing, I mixed up mathematical syntax with the JavaScript syntax.  This being the functions unit, I assumed coding would also follow the order of operations in math, which includes parentheses. const getTax = (itemCount) => {     return getSubTotal(itemCount) * 0.06 } For HOURS, I was trying to wrap my brain as to why in the getTax function getSubTotal was multiplying itemCount again. But no. No, no, no, no... that was the parameter. A parameter is a variable that will be given a value when called (the value is called an argument).  An essential piece of information that was left out of the curriculum is that mathematical calculations only occur with these four s